My Portfolio

A showcase of my technical skills, projects, and professional experience

Work Experience

Jan 2024 - Present

Associate Software Engineer

Atlas Populi Pvt.

  • Implemented a bluetooth service which streamlined device connectivity and works both as a peripheral and a central device.
  • Worked on concurrent memory safe gatt services, creating reliable solutions for provisioning of IoT devices via smartphones using Rust.
  • Ensured both Android and iOS connectivity, supporting a wider customer base.
  • Researched Matter connectivity and QR code provisioning technologies.
  • Contributed to Rust scripts for data team and backend team utilizing background tasks with Redis and cron jobs.
  • Implemented Prometheus instrumentation to extract time series data using Rust.
  • Developed scalable backend APIs in Python.
  • Containerized Rust services using Docker.
Rust Python Bluetooth Redis Prometheus Docker
July 2023 - Jan 2024

Software Engineer Intern (Backend)

Atlas Populi Pvt.

  • Utilized OOP principles and class based views for developing back-end RESTful APIs.
  • Enforced customized policies using Python decorators and implemented custom JWT authentication middlewares.
  • Conducted R&D on Go Gin framework for authentication middlewares.
Python OOP REST APIs JWT Auth Go
June 2021 - May 2022

Software Engineer Intern


  • Conducted CI/CD solution evaluation on Bitbucket pipelines.
  • Created and maintained API documentation using Swagger and OpenAPI tools.
  • Developed and maintained reusable VueJS components, enhancing UI consistency and performance.
  • Implemented shell scripts for efficient tracking of pull requests in Bitbucket.
VueJS CI/CD OpenAPI Shell Scripting Bitbucket

Technical Skills

Core Languages


Backend Development

Django REST Framework

Mobile & IoT

Bluetooth Connectivity
IoT Development

Databases & Tools


Featured Projects

SyntaxSwap Project


Java to JavaScript Code-To-Code Translator

An NLP-based project that utilizes a GraphCodeBERT model where users can input Java source code and convert it to its logical JavaScript equivalent using Relative Positional Encoding Attention Mechanism.

Achieved 74 marks and selected to present at IIT's cutting edge and ICIIT conference.

PyTorch Flask React NLP GraphCodeBERT
Shared Printer Project

Shared Printer

Java Concurrent Project

A project focused on understanding basic concurrency concepts, including multi-threading, fixing deadlocks, avoiding starvation, and writing thread-safe code.

Java Concurrency Multi-threading
Bluetooth IoT Project

Bluetooth IoT Provisioning

Cross-platform IoT Device Connectivity

A Rust-based implementation of BLE connectivity services for IoT device provisioning, supporting both Android and iOS platforms with memory-safe GATT services.

Rust Bluetooth IoT Android iOS

Educational Background

B.Eng. in Software Engineering

Informatics Institute of Technology (affiliated with University of Westminster, UK)

September 2019 - July 2023

First Class Honors

G.C.E. Advanced Level

St. Peter's College, Colombo 04, Negombo branch

Completed August 2019

3 Distinctions and a Very Good Pass in Commerce with ICT